Questions About How Your Business Will Be Impacted By A Divorce

Law Blog

Are you getting divorced from your spouse, but you also own a small business? If so, you likely have questions about what will happen to the business, which is one of the most valuable assets from your marriage. Here are some common questions you'll have about this unique situation. What If You Owned The Business Before The Marriage? If you had your business before you were married, you may think that the business is free and clear of being a part of the divorce proceedings.

17 June 2020

How Can You Stop A Debt Collector From Taking Your Inheritance?

Law Blog

You may think that all estate litigation involves families, but it can also be needed to fend off creditors. When someone passes away, their heirs don't inherit their debts, but the creditor does get the first right to make a claim from the estate to cover the debt before anyone gets their inheritance. Here's what you need to do to protect your rights. Never Pay a Debt on Your Own

22 April 2020

Why You Should Sit Down With a Criminal Defense Lawyer After Being Arrested for a Crime

Law Blog

If you have been arrested for a crime of any type, one of the number one things that you should focus on doing is finding a criminal defense attorney. Many of these attorneys will be more than happy to sit down and talk to you about your situation; typically, all you have to do is call and schedule a consultation. These are some of the reasons why you will probably find it worth your time to head to a criminal defense attorney's office for a meeting.

1 April 2020